Komiku Mod APK 1.6.2 (Premium unlocked)

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Do you like reading manga? Download Komiku MOD APK Pro to be able to read comics, manga and manhua online in Indonesian for free. Finish the story now!

Komiku Mod APK 1.6.2 (Premium unlocked)
Name Komiku
Kompatibel mit Android 5.0+
Letzte Version 1.6.2
Größe 16.38 Mb
Kategorie Entertainment
Developer Komiku.co.id
Preis Free
Google Play Link org.komiku.appv3

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Are you someone who is crazy about various manga stories from Japan? Don't worry, you are not alone.

Currently, the whole world is quite familiar with various manga stories from Japan. Just one manga title can get millions of readers for each chapter. Even though currently there are millions of manga titles with various chapters and volumes.

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Since the late 90s until now, various manga have appeared. For example, Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, Slam Dunk, Hunter X Hunter, Saint Seiya, Detective Conan and various contemporary manga which are no less exciting.

In the past, maybe you needed to save to buy your favorite comic. You are willing to do this to find out the continuation of the story of the manga you have read. What is sometimes annoying is that the comics you have worked so hard for have to be confiscated by the teacher or snatched by your naughty friend.

Now in the digital era we are experiencing now, you no longer need to worry about things like that. All manga are available in digital form and you can read them on Komiku.

Komiku Pro: Read Comics, Manga and Manhua

Komiku is a free Indonesian language comic, manga, manhua and manhwa reading application. This application was launched by komiku.co.id with the aim of making it easy for comic lovers to access their favorite comics.

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Not only providing manga from Japan, Komiku also provides various manhua genres from China and manhwa from Korea. You don't need to worry about your language skills because Komiku has translated all its content into Indonesian.

So what are you waiting for, find your favorite manga in the latest version of Komiku now!

My Comic Features

If you are still unsure about downloading Komiku on your phone, read more about Komiku's in-depth explanation below!

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Easy login – Once you install the app on your phone, the first time you open the app you will be redirected to the registration page. Don't worry, you won't be filling out any registration forms. Komiku has collaborated with Google and Facebook so you just have to choose to integrate Komiku with one of these accounts.

We recommend that you also link your Google account so you can keep a backup of your reading history. This way, you don't have to worry about losing your reading history when you change your phone to a new one or accidentally delete the app. The developers of Komiku have thought about such things. Of course, this anticipation reflects the habits of conventional comic readers who are reluctant to lose their recent reading history.

Good display – If you think reading digital comics will tire your eyes then you are too defensive about the advances in digital technology. Currently, various digital companies such as cellphone manufacturers or application developers have found various ways so that users no longer need to worry about their eye health. This also happened in the Komiku development process.

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User Interface – The latest version of Komiku is now equipped with a user-friendly User Interface. After you register, you won't be confused about starting to read your favorite comics. So that even ordinary people will not be confused the first time they try the Komiku application on their cellphone.

Dark and light themes – If you the theme you are using is too bright and makes your eyes tired, then the developers have also provided an excellent viewing feature. You'll find daytime and nighttime themes.

Updates Every Day – There are millions of comics that you can read from various types such as manga, manhua and manhwa. With good management and company management, Komiku always updates various stories every minute. So Komiku will continue to upload continuation stories every day.

You will also get notifications of new comic releases even if you are not opening the application. If you are bothered by this feature, you can set it directly on the settings page.

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Available in various genres – you don't need to worry about the availability of your favorite comics. You can find it via the search feature or select it via your favorite comic genre. Komiku has arranged all manga, manhua and manhwa by genre, number and alphabetical. However, for users of the free version of the application, there are limited comics that can only be read by Komiku Pro account holders.

Reading Support Facilities

When you start reading your favorite comics, there are several other complementary features that will make you more comfortable reading comics for hours.

Marathon – This feature is a supporting tool that aims to make it easier for you to continue the story to the next chapter automatically. By using this feature you no longer need to move your reading chapters manually. This system makes you continue reading chapters automatically until the end.

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Apart from that, you can also adjust your scroll speed automatically. You can read it directly without touching the screen at all. The story will run automatically based on your reading speed.

Image Quality – Komiku really pays attention to the comfort of its users. This feature allows you to choose the image quality of your reading comic starting from the lowest resolution to the highest resolution. If you want to save on your internet data quota, you can reduce the image quality.

Automatic save mode – By integrating Komiku with your Google account, you can save a backup of your reading history automatically. Reading history will be automatically saved in your Google Drive. Later you can find it in a tab in the Bookshelf. You can also download it directly if you don't want to read online.

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Discussions with other readers – Discussing with other readers is a moment that is no less enjoyable. You can express all your speculation or opinions in the comments column. Some readers usually use this column as a forum for discussion while waiting for the latest chapter.

Download Komiku Pro MOD APK – No ads

Read all manga, manhua and manhwa in premium version by downloading Komiku Pro MOD APK for free here now.

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